Tuesday, January 10, 2012

C'est La Vie

C'est La Vie is a French phrase meaning "such is life".  In and around Louisiana, with its massive French influence, you will hear this phrase being used on a regular basis.  It pretty well sums up our attitude toward things that go wrong or things we cannot control.  I'm seeing it a lot today.

Last night, damn near every television in Louisiana was tuned into ESPN for the championship game against Alabama.  Humorous rivalry and ribbing on both sides blew the game into epic proportions.  As we all sat and watched LSU tumble, I was right there with my friends on my Facebook feed, blasting Les Miles for all I was worth, while simultaneously screaming at the television words I will not repeat in mixed company.  The anger on social media last night was palpable.  Louisiana takes two things seriously above all, food and football.  I made one final joke in a status update last night, and went to sleep.

The amazing thing this morning, though, was when I woke up I kind of expected bitterness to still be pouring through my handheld, but instead what I saw, made me smile, then laugh, then realize why I love this place more than ever.

The same people I have known for most of my life were congratulating Bama on a game well played.  Commenting on how they really played their hearts out and how LSU didn't bring their A game.  Then the part that really made me smile.  Many of them commented "At least we still have the Saints!  Who Dat!"

This is a prime example of the "C'est La Vie" attitude that has carried this state for so very long.  We lost, can't control it, but we will still will find something to look forward to and celebrate.  Such is life.  We damn near lost this city to a horrific natural disaster, we cant control it, we will come back better than ever.  Such is life.  New Orlenians, hell Louisianians in general, always strive to find the silver lining.  You can't keep us down for long. 

So this week, I imagine that I will see a sudden change in the color of the City from purple and gold back to black and gold.  People will be over their heartbreak of the LSU loss by tomorrow, replaced by Saints Superbowl dreams. 

Outsiders don't seem to understand us very well.  And that's OK.  We really don't care if they do or don't.  We understand each other, and we will still wear that purple and gold with pride, because, hey, there is always next season. 

And this Saturday, because it isn't a Dome game, I will be at my Mother-in-Law's, in my number nine jersey, cheering those boys on with high-fives and Who Dats!  Because, simply, that's how we do.

C'est La Vie.

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