Monday, January 9, 2012

The Reasoning

I wrote "Louisiana Girl" on Facebook, as a response to someone who asked "What's the big deal about everyone jumping on the LSU bandwagon?" or something like that.  I didn't say anything original, nothing that hasn't been said about our beloved state before.  Several people messaged me, asked me to write more.  Its taken me a few days, but here I am.  If you choose to follow this blog, I'd be quite flattered.  I have so many things that fill my days, but I'm hoping this will be a catharsis of sorts, a way to share my love of where I live.

Many people say "what's the big deal about New Orleans, anyway?".  Well, NOLA natives, as a whole, are some of the strangest people you will ever meet.  We speak our own language, are fiercely loyal to our Home, party like rock stars even if it's Tuesday and we have five bucks until payday, work hard when we have to and support each other in good times and bad.  I'm not trying to glamorize this city.  It's crowded, dirty and we have rude people just like every other "major" city in the states.  However, I've been a few places, not many, a few, and lemme tell ya, nowhere else will you see things like you see here.  We may laugh at the tourists, but we usually won't be outright rude to them.  You don't usually meet a stranger in this city.  Spend ten minutes with a NOLA native, you'll see.  We aren't nosy, but we will ask you who your Daddy is and whatcha Mama's maiden name is, just to see if we may be related, or know someone in your family.  You don't find many natives haunting "The Quarter" but every now and again we "play tourist", just to feel the pulse of our city, and remind ourselves why we love it so.

No other place in the world embraces our eccentric nature like we do.  Just because the person in the elevator next to you has blue hair and ninety tattoos, don't be fooled.  They just might be a prominent local business owner, just like the guy on your other side in the Brook's Brothers suit.  We are indulgent to a fault when it comes to other locals.  I remember as a girl, there was a local "homeless" man who held a sign that stood at the on ramp to the GNO bridge.  (Crescent City Connection, my ass, it was the GNO and always will be.)  Never fails, that when you sat at that light at Terry Parkway, you would see several people give him change or dollar bills.  We all knew at the end of the day, he walked across the expressway and got in his new Caddy and drove home to god-knows-where.  But, people gave him their spare change, anyway.  Only in NOLA is begging an art.  People will preform on the street for your change.  Little boys with bottle caps on their shoes tap dancing, the lone sax player, the mimes and the card readers.  They all help make the heartbeat of this place.  

I could wax poetic about my home for hours.  And I probably will.  I hope I will give you some understanding and insight about my home, maybe bring a little New Orleans flavor into your life.  We are, after all, the European Nation here in the US.  If you have any questions about our life here please feel free to ask.  

Until later, I have things to do today, and a big LSU game to prepare for tonight.  Rock your purple and gold today and let the love flow.

Later Y'all.

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